The following documents contain information about requirements Early Assurance Program students must meet while enrolled in the program. If you have any questions about the documents below, you are encouraged to check the EAP Canvas page. If you need access to the Canvas page, please email us at
EAP Sample Four Year Schedule of Prerequisites: This document is a good place to start when planning your courses.
EAP Sample Prerequisites (no bachelors degree): This document is a good place to start if you don't intend to get a bachelor's degree prior to starting pharmacy school
EAP Handbook: This document contains important information about the Early Assurance Program and the College of Pharmacy.
Portfolio Guidlines for Academic Year 2022-2023: This document outlines the portfolio requirements for the Class of 2021.
EAP Curriculum Vitae Template: This document is a template for completing the curriculum vitae requirement of the portfolio.
Student Standing in EAP: This document includes information about maintaining good standing within EAP.
Prerequisite Science GPA Calculator: This document allows you to calculate your prerequisite science GPA.
Katée Keen
Recruiter and EAP Advisor
Office hours by appointment
Click HERE to schedule an appointment