Natalea Braden-Suchy
Research/Career Interests
Natalea Braden recently joined the faculty as a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Pharmacy Practice. Her experience includes direct patient care in: anti-coagulation, depression, geriatrics, diabetes, hypertension and hyperlipidemia. In addition, Dr. Braden has worked in a number of diverse clinic settings with diverse populations including Latino, Armenian, patients with HIV, and patients with limited access such as the homeless. After completing her residency she joined Los Angeles County + University of Southern California Medical Center to help develop clinical pharmacy services. Clinical Pharmacists were able to provide complete patient care and served as a bridge in the continuity of care between the urgent care and the first appointment with a primary care provider. Dr. Braden will be working with Stacy Ramirez, Pharm.D. in the Community Health Centers of Benton and Linn Counties to provide patient care for the underserved. In addition, Stacy, Natalea and Shannon Starwalt are working as a part of a collaborative created by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) to increase patient safety and clinical pharmacy services. At the College of Pharmacy, Dr. Braden co-coordinates, with Bill Boyce, Pharmacy Practice 704, 741 and 742. The emphasis of the course is on physical assessment and patient interviewing skills. Dr. Braden is originally from San Diego but spent the last 10 years in Los Angeles. Dr. Braden’s outside interests include watching college and pro football, dancing, traveling, and hiking.
Pharmacy Practice Residency with an emphasis in Ambulatory Care, University of Southern California University of Southern California, Pharm.D. University of Southern California, Bachelor of Arts in Biological Sciences
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