Welcome to the Pharmacy IT support page, we are currently in development. Please request help from one of the three options below. If you are unsure if you fall under OHSU ITG, or OSU IS Services fill out our Internal support request form, and we will get that sorted out.

Internal-Support OSU IS Services OHSU ITG Services

If you're not sure where to go, use this form and we will help get you sorted out.

Pharmacy Web site support, updates, edits, new content or lab space.

College Content Management systems.

Equipment that is not on contract support with OSU, OHSU.

Student Health Services Pharmacy

Access to CGRB storage and Processing

Special Projects

Account or Password Issues



Supported Device, software or application help


Network Connection Issues





Installation/Connection of Network Devices.

Purchase of equipment for network use.

Purchase and installation of software.

Configuring mobile devices to check email.