B.S. in Physics and B.A. in Mathematics, Louisiana State University, 1998
Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics, Cornell University, 2003
Helen Hay Whitney Foundation Fellow, Harvard University, 2004-2007
Postdoctoral Scholar, University of California, Santa Barbara, Department of Physics 2007-2012
Research Assistant Professor, University of Connecticut, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering and Department of Marine Sciences, 2011-2013
Assistant Professor, University of Connecticut, Departments of Biomedical Engineering, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Physics, and Marine Sciences, 2013-2018
Assistant Professor, Oregon State University, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering, 2018-present
I am interested in complex biological systems: networks of genes and proteins, neurons in the brain, and words in spoken and written language. My theory of Sloppy Models has important implications for systems in ecology, chemistry, neuroscience, physics, and even atmospheric science.