kevin brown smiles at camera outside in a blue collard shirt

Kevin Brown

Associate Professor

Research/Career Interests

I am a complex systems scientist.  I study complex biological systems, particularly those arising in systems biology, systems neuroscience, and cognitive science.  I am the originator of “Sloppy Models,” a theory of parameter space geometry in large nonlinear models with many underdetermined parameters. I have studied networks in molecular biology, neuroimaging, and cognitive science.  I employ methodology from dynamical systems, network theory, Bayesian and nonparametric statistics, computational biology, and statistical signal processing.  I employ a mix of data-driven and model-driven approaches.  My work is tightly connected to experimental data, and I have many productive collaborations with experimentalists.



B.S. in Physics and B.A. in Mathematics, Louisiana State University, 1998

Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics, Cornell University, 2003

Helen Hay Whitney Foundation Fellow, Harvard University, 2004-2007

Postdoctoral Scholar, University of California, Santa Barbara, Department of Physics 2007-2012


1601 SW Jefferson Avenue
Pharmacy Building 317
97331 OR
United States

Research Topics & Highlights
Research Highlights

I am interested in complex biological systems: networks of genes and proteins, neurons in the brain, and words in spoken and written language. My theory of Sloppy Models has important implications for systems in ecology, chemistry, neuroscience, physics, and even atmospheric science.