Conroy Sun

Associate Professor

Office: 503-346-4699

Stanford University, CA, USA, Postdoctoral Fellow, Radiation Oncology, 2009-2014
University of Washington, WA, USA, Senior Fellow, Neurological Surgery, 2008-2009
University of Washington, WA, USA, Ph.D. Materials Science & Engineering, 2008
University of Washington, WA, USA, B.S. Materials Science & Engineering, 2003
Research Highlights: 

Our laboratory investigates the interface of material science and biology to develop novel drug delivery and molecular imaging platforms. This interdisciplinary research leverages advanced chemistry techniques, bioengineering, and strong clinical collaborations to develop experimental therapeutics and new imaging modalities. In particular, this work exploits the unique capabilities of nanomaterials to improve the efficacy of conventional cancer treatments.   

Profile Field Tabs

Affiliated with: 
Pharmacy Professnl Instr
Portland - OHSU
Faculty Type: 
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Research/Career Interests: 

My group is focused on applying nanotechnology toward unanswered problems in cancer care. In particular, we are interested in developing novel nanomaterials that serve as platforms for tumor targeted drug delivery and molecular imaging contrast agents. Here we seek to exploit the multifunctional capabilities of nanomaterials to combine conventional therapies, such as radiation and chemotherapy, to achieve a synergistic treatment response or combine treatment with medical imaging modalities for theranositic approaches, such as image-guided drug delivery. In addition, a significant portion of my research is directed toward enabling novel treatment or imaging technologies that are only possible through the use of nanotechnolgy. For example, in collaboration with colleagues at the Molecular Imaging Program at Stanford (MIPS), we have developed tumor targeted radioluminescent nanoparticles (RLNP) that serve as a centerpiece for a new in vivo imaging platform, X-ray luminescence computed tomography (XLCT). As a potential drug delivery platform, we are currently investigating the ability of RLNPs to serve as stimuli-responsive carriers for controlled release or energy mediators for deep tissue photodynamic therapy.

Functional Group: